
  • born in Schwalmstadt, Germany in 1972
  • two years training as a puppet player with the Niekamp theatre company (N.T.C.) in Bielefeld
  • four years as an ensemble puppet player with the N.T.C.
  • three years of private singing and acting lessons
  • since 2000 free lance puppet builder with workshop in Bielefeld, Germany.
  • directing at different figure theatres of Germany
  • lecturer in puppet building (educational institution of figure theatres in Hof Lebherz)
  • puppet builder and puppet player for film, advertisement and TV productions (Atze Schröder, Max Raabe, Anette Humpe etc.)
Figuren – Klappmaulfiguren, Filmpuppen uvm. Workshops – Selbstständig Puppen entwerfen und gestalten. Puppet-News – Neuigkeiten rund um Puppen & Figuren